Express Appreciation

Express Appreciation

What sets a healthy, thriving marriage apart from one that drifts into difficulty? Intentionality. Happy marriages don’t just happen because of chemistry. They happen because of habits that keep a couple connecting through all the ups and downs of married life. These habits or practices involve the continual investment of time, interest, and energy. They provide the glue of the marriage. When challenges hit, these habits create the resilience that enables the marital friendship to remain intact. Over the next nine weeks I’ll be sharing practices that will ignite your marriage and keep it burning.

Endings and Beginnings

Endings and Beginnings

About this time of year, many of us start to think about what we’d like to see happen in our lives in the coming year. Some of you may be inclined to make a list of New Year’s resolutions that you hope you will be able to keep. Others may have scrapped the idea of making such a list, since they usually are hard to keep with any consistency or collect dust as life gets away from you.

Preparing for the Family Visit

Preparing for the Family Visit

Christmas is a time of joy and celebration but can also be a time of family tension. Often, unresolved family issues can surface at holiday gatherings. You may also find yourself having some unexpected responses. For instance, have you ever had the experience of getting together with your family and feeling like you are back in your family role of peacekeeper, defender or justice seeker?

De-Stressing the Holidays

De-Stressing the Holidays

As you anticipate the next several weeks approaching Christmas, are you feeling excited or do you have a gnawing sense of dread? For most of us, this season can bring on additional stress—gifts to buy, gatherings to attend, family visits to prepare for. As parents we can add to our plate the burden of making this the best Christmas ever for our kids. As we see other families planning activities and buying things for their kids, we can begin to view Christmas like a runner in a marathon needing to prepare for the big race. The competition is on!

Take T.I.M.E. for Love

Take T.I.M.E. for Love

Guest Post: How much time does it take to stay in love for a life time? In our book, Red Hot Monogamy, we explain the minimum time commitment we have seen necessary to maintain the connectedness needed for a healthy strong marriage (and a sizzling sex life). This month, make some T.I.M.E. for love:
Ten – twenty minutes to talk together alone everyday. It is amazing how just making time to talk about things more important than who is going to pick up the milk will reconnect and rekindle your hearts. This is the reason that we place couple communication questions in all of the books we author.