Why I Love Millennials

Why I Love Millennials

Just yesterday I was talking with a young millennial I admire and she was protesting the bad rap her demographic receives. Millennials have been depicted as entitled, indulged, and having a poor work ethic and she didn’t relate to any of these characterizations. None of us like to be stereotyped, especially if it’s negative. At the risk of positively stereotyping, I’d like to give a…

Nurture Your Spiritual Life Together

Nurture Your Spiritual Life Together

Your spiritual intimacy will be enhanced when you learn to pray as a couple. Praying together is a profound experience, as it joins your hearts in the midst of the concerns of your shared life and invites God into the challenges. Praying for your children can help unite you as you ask God for wisdom about each one’s unique needs and personalities. Acknowledging your shortcomings…

Let It Go

Let It Go

When we are hurt, it is natural to want to protect ourselves from further pain. When our mate wounds us, we think they owe us something. An apology would be nice—a guarantee or promise never to do it again even nicer. We withhold forgiveness until they have sufficiently paid for their offense or to keep our barriers up in an attempt to avoid future hurt….