Learn The Practice of Apologizing

Learn The Practice of Apologizing

Being right feels a lot better than being wrong. We all like to be right! Growing up, we probably learned to equate being wrong with punishment or receiving less of a parent’s affection. As a defense mechanism, we all learn how to defend ourselves and justify our behavior.

The fact is, we all make mistakes. Learning how to apologize well is a powerful tool that can restore a marriage. Find out the ingredients of an effective, heartfelt apology.

Learn The Art of Healthy Compromise

Learn The Art of Healthy Compromise

For some, compromise seems like the slippery slope to losing one’s voice. It feels like a way of diminishing individuality and freedom of choice. But the truth is, all strong, long lasting marriages have a hearty amount of compromise.
If a couple is ever to enjoy true intimacy, some form of compromise is vital! In every good marriage, each spouse needs to learn to bend, and sometimes give up his or her own desires for the sake of marital growth. How can you begin to effectively work toward a mutually satisfying compromise?

The Benefits of Physical Touch

The Benefits of Physical Touch

Touch has a unique way of bringing us comfort. an arm around us when we’re afraid, or a hand on our knee that tells us the other is there for us, assures us of the caring presence of another.
Physical touch has physiological benefits such as lowering our blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol levels and thereby reducing stress.
In marriage, we have the enjoyable privileged of giving touch to our mate. Forms of physical touch like holding hands, kissing, and hugging, all communicate to your spouse that they are important, loved and cared for.

Learn to Laugh and Have Fun Together

Learn to Laugh and Have Fun Together

Laughter has a way of relieving stress and reminding us to enjoy our mate. It relaxes us and reminds us that there’s joy even in the mundane moments of life. Humor will help you stay connected, even in the midst of challenges. When was the last time you had a good laugh with your spouse? Stress can cause us to lose our sense of humor, and with it our resiliency as a couple.

Find Ways To Intentionally Connect

Find Ways To Intentionally Connect

Being intentional about how you connect at the beginning and end of the day is vitally important to sustaining your marital bond. Workdays involve one or both of you leaving home in the morning and returning at night. These moments of parting and reuniting can connect you or create more distance. Couples who find their busy lives causing them to neglect their goodbyes and hellos end up drifting apart.